Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making Chili

Not alot going on today making chili and playing some music wile dancing with jasmine. Getting you home by Chris Young jass loves music as much as I do. Well class is just about over and I'm happy as well a little sad but life moves on. Had a hard time sleeping last night,couldn't get a thought out of my head. Reading another glog I've had for years I some how got down thinking about growing old and I just don't want it. Nothing on but the radio by Gary Allen..

Jasmine has been better about the mommy thing but Its still on my mind, Tell me by Jake Owen..another good one. Well as you can tell I'm driving myself crazy so I need to stop and get my bike for a ride..Just got started lovin you by James Otto. Wow! Take care Till next time...

Monday, June 14, 2010


Today started off with a bang! took the little one to the beach for a day of rest. yeal! right!First off we got there and was getting thing out of my truck and found a money clip with 1.000 dollars in it....see crazy! After finding the owner he gave Jasmine and I a free run in his store, a beach store. Well we shopped! lol she got some wild things wile I got beach stuff. Now heading back to the beach I ran into a biker friend that told me were to find an emblem for my dyno soft tail, off we went to get it. Ok so I got my emblem "Fatboy" Jass told me she was hungry and off we went, by the time we got to the beach it started to rain....go on ..say it,crazy!
Anyway I took her to the library and she read me a book. Not a bad day after all. Here is a pic. of my hog, 2006 soft tail fatboy. Till next time....and Professor dont forget to wave:)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bad week

Well its been a hell of a week! To start of with I was called to the hospital because David was hit by a car. David is my oldest sister son and a Florida state trooper, A lot of my family is in the filed of police work. My oldest brother was in the FBI, another one internal affairs for the state and he was the one to get David involved in police work. David was giving a ticket and was hit by a car so for the umpteenth time we were in the hospital. With al the craziness I could not get Internet at the hospital and I have been rushing to get my work done on time as well it's Jasmines end of the school year week so she has a lot of actives to go to. Last but not least I have a very bad head cold...can you say fun! Oh and did I say I sent the wrong paper in to a class, YES! I sent the wrong paper. I sent a draft from my other class to a class I was doing a paper on and the teacher must think I'm crazy.....crazy week.......Till next time, peace out

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well it's been a hard week and my little one is all most done with her school, Friday is it. Well Nikki wont be together anymore because I don't play head games so ....moving on. Have you ever been in love? it can be so horrible. It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess your whole world up. You build up all these defenses,a suit of armor so nothing can hurt you. Then one day stupid me opens up to someone that wanders into my stupid life....You give them a piece of you, they didn't ask for it, they did something like smile at you or even kiss you and then life is not your anymore. Love takes you hostages, it gets inside you and eat you inside and out. It will leave you crying in the darkness, a simple phrase can turn into a glass splinter working it's way into your heart. Not just in the mind, it's in your soul, it gets inside you and rips you apart.Yes love hurts.

So check out this tatoo....

Monday, May 24, 2010

What a crappy week, to start of with Nikki and I are no longer together. She wanted to go back to her old boyfriend because I spent to much time with Jasmine and school work. I still workout with Karate and now I'm working on Zumba but that is from 9-11 am then I pick up Jass at 2. From there it's a few hours with Jass and then school work for her and I. She works from 7-5:30 so for the most part I'm done by the time she gets off but I still have to do things for Jass, I'm still a father before anything. If anyone has kids then you know it's an all day thing, so I thought she understood. Now get this, she call today and said she wants to work it out! well after a week and the crap she said I said" No Thank You!". For me, sure it hurts but kids have to come first before anyone and people dont change. If anything she should have told Jasmine sorry because she the one thats crying, I feel bad for her.

Till next time.........

Monday, May 17, 2010

What a Day...

So I went camping this past weekend and had a great time,I did set down and talk to Jasmine about her mom and I think it went well(time will tell). Things with Nikki are so good and I find myself writing the crazyest things because I'm such a romantic and very passionate. We were walking down this path when we were camping and Jass said "dad just merry Nikki and she can be my mom" see? out of the blue! Well need to do some post. Till next time.......

This is when she was 1 then 3 and last a few weeks a go, and last is Nikki and Jass.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday May 11/2010

Oh what can I say, I have spent the day at the beach with Nikki and everything is going so good. She don't like my bike because she said it's bad for my health...more on that later! So I got Zumba DVD today and love it, it makes me feel like I'm back at dancing. Well got a test to do so off I go. Till next time......